Prices Online Live Virtual Party
Online Childrens Party Entertainment Live
We are all still in bits of lock down and kinds of quarantines, but your children still have their birthday, Holy Communion parties and special events. If you are unsure about inviting your child’s friends to your house, there is a better way for you to celebrate their special event.
We can provide a LIVE party show and bring all your guests together with our online party shows using Zoom on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or smartphone. It is great fun and the party child will see all their friends and a great live show (as in NOT pre-recorded).
We currently have our magic shows, puppet shows, fun Mad Professor science shows and princess shows online NOW (and are developing more at this time). It is not a difficult process to get the Zoom app.
Online Childrens Party Entertainment Live
We are available with our online live interactive parties all over Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland, Poland (yes – we do have a Polish magician)……wait, we’re online! We are available with online live interactive parties all over the world!
We will set up the party in Zoom, you will have the phone numbers of the parents, we send you the link to the party, you send this link on via text, WhatsApp, Messenger etc. and everyone logs in at the a few minutes before party time…Yayyyyyyy!
How does this Zoom party work?:
- You and the parents of your guests will need the free Zoom app on their device
- Download the app from the app store for smartphones and tablets
- Go to the Zoom website for PC’s and laptops. This will also require a download as instructed.
- Make sure you have the mobile numbers and/or email addresses for all your guests parents
- Pay online
- We will set up the Zoom scheduled online meeting for the agreed entertainment date and start time and send you the link to the meeting via text AND email the day before the party.
- You send the link on to your guests parents via text and/or email. You can also copy the link details and send via WhatsApp,Viber, Messenger, email etc.
- And then everyone clicks on the link about 5 mins before the party start time
We suggest that you and your guests use the biggest screen possible for viewing so that you can see all other guests and the entertainer at the same time. This would mean viewing on a laptop or PC or even connect your device to your flat screen TV! If this is not an option, do not worry as you can still enjoy the show on your smart phone.
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments require any assistance in any way.
Package Prices and Duration
Item | Package Name | Package Description | Age Range | 40 mins | 60 mins |
V01 | Magic Show | Magic tricks and fun | 3 – 9 | €150 | See V08 |
V02 | Puppet Show | Chose from either Punch and Judy or Soft Puppets | 3 – 6 | €150 | See V08 |
V03 | Mad Professor Fun Science Show |
Fun science experiments | 6 – 13 | €150 | See V08 |
V04 | Princess Party | Our Princess Party Package also includes a magic show and dances | 3 – 8 | €150 | See V08 |
V05 | Frozen or Ariel Party | Our Party Package also includes a magic show and dances | 3 – 8 | €150 | See V08 |
V06 | Two Show Option | Any 2 items from V01 to V06 on this price list (subject to each item availability) |
3 – 10 | - | €250 |
*All prices include VAT and all other charges
Our Online Live Party Entertainment Video
This is a video containing screen grabs from some of our recent online magic, science, princess and puppet shows and features our Saoirse, Martina, Niall and Paul in full daft mode (don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and like the video – thanks!) :